
Tu Padre Bala

Sex Male
Level 4512
Vocation Mage
Guild the Leader of Easyt
Last Login 25 July 2024
Status offline
Last Logout 25 July 2024 03:13 (52.05 horas)
Created 17 November 2023
1,529,323,834,167 4512 22,705 135,210 100 45,510 42:00 19 17 10 10 10 10 10 10
Death List
18 May 2024 Killed at level 4673 by monster: Ahogado en Agua de Popo.
03 May 2024 Killed at level 4840 by monster: Super Egg Bala.
03 May 2024 Killed at level 5013 by monster: Ahogado en Agua de Popo.
01 April 2024 Killed at level 5099 by player: Wahackmen
  • Other visible characters on this account:
    Name: Level: Vocation: Last login: Status:
    Lady Morrigan 5462 Mage 25 July 2024 offline
  • Address: Padre Bala

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