

Sex Male
Level 43467
Vocation Blood Elf Paladin
Guild the Leader of Bingo
Last Login 26 July 2024
Status online
Created 23 November 2023
1,368,572,733,313,979 43467 459,775 651,975 200 869,650 41:93 47 10 10 10 10 200 152 10
Death List
24 July 2024 Killed at level 43467 by monster: Coco.
24 July 2024 Killed at level 43467 by monster: Coco.
24 July 2024 Killed at level 43467 by player: Corasan
22 July 2024 Killed at level 43467 by monster: Mostrito.
22 July 2024 Killed at level 43467 by monster: Coco.
09 July 2024 Killed at level 43432 by monster: Player Killer.
30 June 2024 Killed at level 43432 by monster: Putortuga.
30 June 2024 Killed at level 43432 by monster: Coco.
29 June 2024 Killed at level 43432 by monster: Ente Supremo.
27 June 2024 Killed at level 40432 by monster: Sebastian.
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